Von der Wiege des Skifahrens bis zum historischen Alpenstadtidyll.
Aber auch das Brandnertal, das Große Walsertal und das Klostertal bieten ihren Gästen Erlebnis und Action auf höchstem Niveau. Und zwar sommers wie winters. Durch die vorteilhafte Lage unseres Hotel erreichen Sie diese Destinationen in kürzester Zeit - auch mit den Öffis und so können Sie leicht für tägliche Abwechslung sorgen.
Darüber hinaus kann Bludenz selbst mit einigen Highlights aufwarten. Mittelalterlicher Stadtkern mit südländischem Flair, zahlreiche Cafés und Einkehrmöglichkeiten, der Muttersberg, Wochenmärkte, Kino und Kultureinrichtungen unterschiedlicher Art bilden einen Kleinkosmos, in den einzutauchen sich lohnt. Mit dem ValBlu befindet sich zudem die einzige gedeckte Badeanlage der Region inklusive großzügiger, moderner Saunalandschaft und Freibad in unmittelbarer Nähe. Für (E-)Biker warten zahlreiche Bergrouten oder der sehr nahe gelegene Radweg darauf, erkundet zu werden.
Bludenz bringt’s!
Unser Hotel wiederum ist direkt angeschlossen an das Fohren Center mit anregendem Kulinarik- und Freizeitangebot. Dazu zählen das Wirtshaus Kohldampf inkl. schönem Gastgarten, das Strike Bowling Center, die Lazerfun Lasertag Arena, die Sudkessel Bar und der multifunktionale Fohren Saal.
Weiters verfügt das Hotel über eine eigene Garage für (E-)Bikes oder Rodel sowie einen beheizten Skiraum. Parkplätze sind ausreichend vorhanden, zudem gibt es vier Ladestationen für E-Autos. Die Anbindung an den öffentlichen Nahverkehr ist optimal und gut zu Fuß erreichbar.
“Bludenz is the perfect starting point for activities of all kinds. In summer as well as in winter.”
Langeweile geht anders.
Die Altstadt
Kein Tag gleicht dem anderen.
The Fohren Center has a restaurant with a popular guest garden, a rustic pub with a round bar, a bowling hall with 10 lanes and a laser tag arena as well as an event hall for weddings, birthdays or congresses. The FohrenCenter is directly connected to our house.
Major ski resorts such as the Arlberg region, the Silvretta-Montafon or the Brandnertal can be reached by car within half an hour. With its 88 lifts, 350 km of well-prepared slopes and 200 km of deep-snow runs, the Arlberg is Austria’s largest ski area.
Around the Bergbahnen Brandnertal, 64.4 kilometers of slopes, 3 valley runs and a dreamy backdrop in glittering white await you. Tobogganing, night tobogganing, ski tours, winter hiking or cross-country skiing are just a few possibilities.
New since the 2021/22 season is the ice channel in Bludenz, where you can not only watch exciting international competitions, you can also pick up thrills yourself with an icy Vutschko ride in the guest bobsled.
With your (e-)bike you are spoiled for choice. Almost around the corner is already the bike path, on which you can start great tours in the direction of Klostertal, Montafon or in the opposite direction to Feldkirch. Since we are surrounded by beautiful mountains, there are many more routes than you can explore in one vacation. For every level of difficulty, there are recommended routes here, for example.
Pro Biking
If you have special “bike skills”, you will love our local mountain, the “Muttersberg”. Here you can find the single trail. 2.1 km long, overcoming 720 meters of altitude. It is therefore one of the longest routes in Vorarlberg and offers berms, waves, roots, jumps, etc.
The Bikepark Brandnertal also has a lot to offer. 30 kilometers of trails in all variations – from enduro and single trails to flowlines, freeride and downhill trails – await mountain bikers of all levels!
Motorcycle Feeling
Motorized bikers also appreciate the Hotel Alpstadt, its location and the Fohren Center, with the guest garden being an ideal stopover. Freeway access and major roads are very close, popular tours by motorcycle are, for example, over the Arlberg Pass or in the Bregenzerwald.
Hiking paradise
You can start your hike on the spot, the local mountain “Muttersberg” is almost at the doorstep and offers in itself several different hiking routes. Bludenz Tourismus maintains a recommendable overview with various routes in and around Bludenz.
Ice channel once different
The new “ice channel” offers a special kind of spectacle. Tobogganing fun in the summer? Yes, no problem in Bludenz. With a roller racing toboggan, the ride is a fast-paced and unforgettable adventure for daring riders.
Water lovers
In Bludenz there’s a great outdoor and indoor pool at Val Blu. A little outside of Bludenz you will find many natural lakes, so that the bathing fun is satisfied.
The TC Bludenz offers tennis players top maintained outdoor courts as well as a tennis hall.
Fun for the whole family at the miniature golf course in Brunnenfeld.
The old town has buildings that date back to the Middle Ages, furthermore there are countless recreational opportunities such as a visit to the wellness resort ValBlu or the outdoor pool, the local mountain “Muttersberg” is accessible by cable car and offers rewarding hikes, a large children’s playground and its own mountain restaurant.
Also popular are brewery tours in the Fohrenburg brewery directly across the street, from which we get our beer, or a visit to the “Milka Lädele”.
Action & Kulinarik
Das Fohren Center